This week, we met our group for the first time and did some introductions. My group consists of Aastha Chawla, Francesca Narea, Sinclair Chen and Sreya Goyalia. Their project portfolios can be found at the top of my "Project" page. We are working on the SCU Center for Sustainability's "ExtraEats" application. This app connects students who want free food to event planners who have leftover food. Normally, this leftover food would go to waste. This app will reduce food waste as well as provide food to hungry college students.
Our first order of business was to interview our partner, Lindsay, at the SCU Sustainability Center. We prepared a number of questions and held a joint meeting with the UI team who is also working on this project. From our meeting we were able to garner what had been previously completed on the project, what needs improvement and what has yet to be done. From there we were able to start planning.
Our homework for the week was to create a team contract and assign each other roles. I was given the role of timekeeper in charge of running meetings and ensuring we don't get bogged down on one topic for too long. We all signed this contract committing to complete our fair share of work on the app. I also spent time going through the code of the currently implemented application and familiarizing myself with the technology that has been used.